A Center for
Culture and Learning

Currently In the Making


Samong Haven is a future-focused centre for culture and learning currently in the making.

Samong Haven is a place where exchange and learning support capacity building in our neighbourhood, and offer insight into the rich cultural heritage and natural environment on our doorstep. People living nearby can drop in for classes and workshops. Those coming from further away can join our programmes, or simply stay and enjoy the welcoming atmosphere.

Samong Haven is led by four friends who share a love for our beautiful rural village of Sumberkima, North West Bali and the warm, genuine people who live here. With backgrounds in art, architecture, hospitality, and corporate social responsibility, we are combining our passions and experiences as we ask: What are the ideal conditions to create a caring, healthy, and sustainable centre for non-formal learning that benefits visitors, the environment, and our community?

Join our journey by following us on Facebook and Instagram.



Research Project

An Urgent Situation:
Rethinking Tourism through Architecture, Art and Community

Organised in collaboration with PRAKSIS, Eleena Jamil Architect, Don Lawrence Architect, Rebel Architecture Lab, and artist Tanja Thorjussen

As part of our efforts to make sure we do this right, Samong Haven are collaborating on the transnational research project: An Urgent Situation. It looks at the potential for architects, artisans and creatives to make critical changes in the travel industry’s infrastructure if they care and concern. It will identify points for action – for example, around global health and hygiene, carbon emissions, and impacts on local communities, cultures and ecosystems.

Click here to find more information on the website of Oslo based arts and culture catalyst, PRAKSIS. This project was made possible with support from Nordic Culture Point’s Globus programme and the British Council.